Monday, May 16, 2011

The WestMount Country Club

New Jersey's DJ at The Westmount Country Club 

I have been to many high end reception halls in NJ but this one I consider the cream of the crop. It lies about a minute off of Rt 46 in West Paterson down a beautiful side road with the classy gray stone pillar entrance on the left. Don't drive too fast or you'll miss the entrance as I had missed it the first 2 times I attended there.

After you turn left and drive up the driveway, you'll see a large car port with beautiful lighting and a polite valet service who greets you as you arrive.   The inside is pretty outstanding with marble and granite floors and ballroom has their own light-show lights either on the ceiling and on the walls.

Another nice feature of the WMCC is the view.  The country club sits on top of a hill looking down  onto the towns below. You won't see long green rolling hills, but view is pretty outstanding especially as the sun sets. 

The service is nothing short of outstanding.  Their white glove service and friendly smiles are inviting a professional to say the least.  They make sure your cocktail plates are full, your drinks are topped off, and make you feel at home.

The food is very good.  I've eaten at many NJ reception halls and have experienced good food and food I wouldn't give to my dog.  I would rate the food at about a 7.5 which is pretty darn good.   One thing I liked was that when I went to eat the Penne and Vodka again, the girl said do you like it, and I just told her to pile it on my plate, then she said she made it.  I congratulated her on a dish well prepared. She showed pride in her dish and she showed me that she loves what she does.  If the staff is happy, the guests are happy. Happiness is contagious.

The selection of the food at the cocktail hour was outstanding. I know it is the bride and groom's choice what to have served but when a reception hall can make all that food for a cocktail hour, keep the trays full and the quality high, they deserve a great rating.

The courses came out on time, the music was great, the place looked beautiful, and the staff made the event run like clockwork.  One quick note on the staff.  When I went to the bar, I noticed the bar tenders had name tags with their last names.  Mr. Jacobs was my bartender and he was great, not crabby or egotistical like other bartenders I have had the privilege (or not) of meeting.

The upper management seemed a little abrupt, stern, and to the point BUT without them leading the crew with authority this place would not run at the standards that they have achieved.

EXTRA Notes:
Notes for DJ's:  if using the piano for cocktail hour; The piano they have is a beautiful white Bergmann in their Continental room.  It plays a little hard and the pedal is tight.  The other Piano they have in the BIG gorgeous ballroom is pretty good.  I can't remember the name of it but I think it may play a little out of tune.

It's always a good idea to ask reception halls the condition of the piano before using it.  I have played in other Gorgeous Reception hall in NJ with really stinky out of tune pianos.  When playing out of tune, poorly maintained pianos, it makes you look like a doofus and the NJ reception hall look inadequate.

Notes For DJ:  They have many fastened dancing lights in their rooms. They add a really nice touch, but just keep this in mind when bringing your light show.

John Peterson of New Jersey's DJ
D'Amico Entertainment

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